        1. Combination of Lincomycin HCl and Neomycin Sulphate to maintain overall health of intestine
        2. It is a cost effective & result oriented performance enhancer, safe to use in all types of poultry
        3. It covers major pathogens available in gut both gram +ve or gram -ve
        4. It keeps gut and general health in good condition
        1. Uniform growth
        2. Better FCR and weight gain in broiler
        3. Lowers mortality and improves overall performance
        1. To improve gut health
        2. To improve growth, FCR and hatchability 
        3. To prevent NE & E. Coli
Dosage  (Per tonne of feed)
        1. Growth Promotion: 250 – 350 g
        2. Enteritis: 500 g – 1 kg

1 kg (1 kg x 10) box and 25 kg bag
Storage: The products have a long shelf life
Store at room temperature, in a dry and dark place