MYCURA Composition:
        1. Chlortetracycline HCl 100 mg
        2. Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumerate 33.33 mg
        3. Excipients Q.S.
MYCURA-US Composition:
        1. Chlortetracycline HCl 100 mg
        2. Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumerate 33.33 mg
        3. Neomycin Sulphate 20 mg
        4. Excipients Q.S. 
MYCURA Composition:
        1. Chlortetracycline HCl 100 mg
        2. Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumerate 33.33 mg
        3. Excipients Q.S.
MYCURA-US Composition:
        1. Chlortetracycline HCl 100 mg
        2. Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumerate 33.33 mg
        3. Neomycin Sulphate 20 mg
        4. Excipients Q.S. 
        1. Powerful Synergistic Combination of THF and CTC.
        2. Extra support from Neomycin, a gut acting antibiotic targeted to act in intestine mainly gram -ve.
        3. Designed to reduce total antibiotic (TA) usage in poultry.
        4. Best for Week a Month Program in Layer and Breeders.
        5. No egg residue present.
        1. Mycoplasma load always below complicated level.
        2. Production optimum in Layers and Breeders.
        3. Lesser prevalence of CRD in Broiler.
        1. Metaphylaxis and Prophylaxis of respiratory diseases in poultry mainly caused by Mycoplasma and other respiratory bacteria.
        2. It can be used for “Pulse Dosing” popularly known as week a month program.
        3. In case of complication with E. Coli, Mycura – US may be recommended.
        4. Without complication – Mycura may be recommended.
Dosage: (Per ton of feed)


1 kg bag & 25 kg Drum (5*5).